New to pantograph? Click here to open the installation & setup instructions first

1) Install the latest Xcode command line tools

xcode-select --install
Install _pantograph_ using Homebrew & Rubygems
# Install ruby via homebrew (macOS & linux only)
brew install ruby

# Set ruby in your shell path (example uses Zsh)
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

# Using RubyGems
gem install pantograph

3) Navigate to your project and run

pantograph init

More Details

Available Plugins



via Siarhei Fiedartsou, John Douglas

Allows to set/get app version and build number directly to/from Info.plist

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_version_number_from_git_branch** | - | Extract version number from git branch name **increment_build_number_in_xcodeproj** | - | Increment build number in xcodeproj **get_version_number_from_plist** | - | Get the version number of your project **get_build_number_from_plist** | - | Get the build number of your project **ci_build_number** | building | Detects current build number defined by CI system **get_version_number_from_xcodeproj** | - | Get the version number of your project **increment_version_number_in_xcodeproj** | - | Increment build number in xcodeproj **increment_version_number_in_plist** | - | Increment the version number of your project **get_app_store_version_number** | - | Get the version number of your app in the App Store **get_info_plist_path** | - | Get the version number of your project **get_build_number_from_xcodeproj** | - | Get the build number of your project **increment_build_number_in_plist** | - | Increment the build number of your project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 66 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 249 | More stars = more popular project forks | 135 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -12 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3871 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Microsoft Corporation

Pantograph plugin for App Center

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **appcenter_fetch_devices** | - | Fetches a list of devices from App Center to distribute an iOS app to **appcenter_upload** | - | Distribute new release to App Center
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 174 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 72 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 268 | More stars = more popular project forks | 325 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -20 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2834 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Daniel Griesser

Add a badge overlay to your app icon

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **add_badge** | - | Automatically add a badge to your app icon
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 117 | More stars = more popular project forks | 45 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3335 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

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via Josh Holtz

Upload IPA and APK to S3

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **aws_s3** | - | Generates a plist file and uploads all to AWS S3
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 15 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 91 | More stars = more popular project forks | 195 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -17 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2445 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 15 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

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via Delisa Mason

Uploads dSYM files to Bugsnag

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_symbols_to_bugsnag** | - | Uploads symbol files to Bugsnag **send_build_to_bugsnag** | building | Notifies Bugsnag of a build **dsym_magic** | - | Sets the dsym path
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 39 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 18 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1582 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

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via KrauseFx

Convert xcodebuild plist files to JUnit reports

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **trainer** | - | Convert the Xcode plist log to a JUnit report. This will raise an exception if the tests failed
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 42 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 132 | More stars = more popular project forks | 110 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -8 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1320 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 24 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

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via Jems

Increment the version code of your android project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **increment_version_code** | - | Increment the version code of your android project.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 40 | More stars = more popular project forks | 35 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1514 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Lyndsey Ferguson

🎯 Understand, tame, and train your iOS & Mac tests 🎉

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **suppressed_tests** | testing | 🗜 Retrieves a list of tests that are suppressed in a specific or all Xcode Schemes in a project **suppress_tests** | testing | 🗜 Suppresses specific tests in a specific or all Xcode Schemes in a given project **suppress_tests_from_junit** | testing | 🗜 Uses a junit xml report file to suppress either passing or failing tests in an Xcode Scheme **tests_from_xctestrun** | testing | ️️☑️ Retrieves all of the tests from xctest bundles referenced by the xctestrun file **quit_core_simulator_service** | testing | 📲 Force-quits the to fix mysterious iOS Simulator issues. **collate_test_result_bundles** | testing | 🔸 Combines multiple test_result bundles into one test_result bundle **tests_from_junit** | testing | ☑️ Retrieves the failing and passing tests as reported in a junit xml file **multi_scan** | testing | ♻️ Uses scan to run Xcode tests a given number of times, with the option of batching and/or parallelizing them, only re-testing failing tests. **collate_html_reports** | testing | 🔶 Combines multiple html report files into one html report file **collate_junit_reports** | testing | 🔷 Combines multiple junit report files into one junit report file **collate_json_reports** | testing | 🔹 Combines multiple json report files into one json report file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 24 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 110 | More stars = more popular project forks | 135 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -10 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1211 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Sentry

Upload symbols to Sentry

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **sentry_upload_dsym** | - | Upload dSYM symbolication files to Sentry **sentry_set_commits** | - | Set commits of a release **sentry_upload_sourcemap** | - | Upload a sourcemap to a release of a project on Sentry **sentry_finalize_release** | - | Finalize a release for a project on Sentry **sentry_upload_file** | - | Upload files to a release of a project on Sentry **sentry_upload_proguard** | - | Upload mapping to a project on Sentry **sentry_create_release** | - | Create new releases for a project on Sentry
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 60 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 21 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 41 | More stars = more popular project forks | 120 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -9 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1227 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Boris Bügling, Felix Krause

Generate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_appicon** | - | Generate required icon sizes from a master application icon **appicon** | - | Generate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 108 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 30 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 253 | More stars = more popular project forks | 175 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -15 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 931 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

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via Pavel Prochazka

Automate changes to your project

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **read_changelog** | - | Reads content of a section from your project file **update_changelog** | - | Updates content of a section of your project file **emojify_changelog** | - | Emojifies the output of read_changelog action **stamp_changelog** | - | Stamps the [Unreleased] section with provided identifier in your project file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 42 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 122 | More stars = more popular project forks | 100 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1078 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via James Campbell

Create your Xcode projects automatically using a stupid simple DSL.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xcake** | - | Runs `xcake` for the project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 114 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 48 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 464 | More stars = more popular project forks | 190 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 25 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -5 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 66 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jems

Get the version name of an Android project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_version_name** | - | Get the version name of an Android project. This action will return the version name of your project according to the one set in your build.gradle file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 750 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Helmut Januschka

Run UI Tests on AWS Devicefarm

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **aws_device_farm** | - | Upload the application to the AWS device farm. **aws_device_farm_package** | - | Packages .app from deriveddata to an aws-compatible ipa
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 15 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 65 | More stars = more popular project forks | 110 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 538 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Anton Domashnev

This action downloads a GitHub release's asset using the GitHub API and puts it in a destination path.\nIf the file has been previously downloaded, it will be overrided.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **download_github_release_asset** | - | Downloads a GitHub release's asset
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 600 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Igor Lamos

Android Versioning Plugin for Pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_get_version_name** | - | Get the Version Name of your Android project **android_set_version_code** | - | Set the Version Code of your Android project **android_set_version_name** | - | Set the Version Name of your Android project **android_get_version_code** | - | Get the Version Code of your Android project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 625 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 36 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Josh Lesch

Execute Yarn commands from your Pantfile

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **yarn** | - | Execute Yarn commands from your Pantfile
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 24 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 16 | More stars = more popular project forks | 30 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 501 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 21 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kamil Krzyk

Starts n AVDs based on JSON file config. AVDs are created and configured according to user liking before instrumentation test process (started either via shell command or gradle) and killed/deleted after test process finishes.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **automated_test_emulator_run** | - | Starts AVD, based on AVD_setup.json file, before test launch and kills it after testing is done.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 30 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 75 | More stars = more popular project forks | 85 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -5 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 377 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via The Perfect App

TPA gives you advanced user behaviour analytics, app distribution, crash analytics and more

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_to_tpa** | beta | Upload app builds to The Perfect App ( **upload_symbols_to_tpa** | misc | Upload dsym files downloaded from App Store Connect directly to TPA
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 15 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 9 | More stars = more popular project forks | 35 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 421 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Manabu OHTAKE

Allows to set/get app version name and version code directly to/from build.gradle

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_value_from_build** | - | - **increment_version_code** | - | Increment the version code of your project **set_value_in_build** | - | Set the value of your project **get_version_name** | - | Get the version name of your project **increment_version_name** | - | Increment the version name of your project **get_version_code** | - | Get the version code of your project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 23 | More stars = more popular project forks | 35 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 501 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 42 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Almouro

Build your Cordova app

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **cordova** | building | Build your Cordova app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 79 | More stars = more popular project forks | 140 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -13 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 297 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jordan Bondo

Update the provisioning profile in the Xcode Project file for a specified target

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_provisioning_profile_specifier** | - | Update the provisioning profile in the Xcode Project file for a specified target
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 20 | More stars = more popular project forks | 30 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 476 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jems

Get the version code of anAndroid project. This action will return the version code of your project according to the one set in your build.gradle file

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_version_code** | - | Get the version code of an Android project. This action will return the version code of your project according to the one set in your build.gradle file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 496 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via jems

This Android plugins allow you to commit every modification done in your build.gradle file during the execution of a lane. In fast, it do the same as the commit_version_bump action, but for Android

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **commit_android_version_bump** | - | This Android plugins allow you to commit every modification done in your build.gradle file during the execution of a lane. In fast, it do the same as the commit_version_bump action, but for Android
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 20 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 458 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Felix Krause

Loads a local JSON file and parses it

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **load_json** | - | Loads a local JSON file and parses it
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 458 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

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via François Benaiteau, Tommaso Piazza

A cache tool for Carthage

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **rome** | - | An S3 cache tool for Carthage
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 30 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 14 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 365 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Lyndsey Ferguson

Suppress stabile tests so that 'scan' can run the fragile tests again

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **setup_fragile_tests_for_rescan** | deprecated | Suppress stabile tests so that 'scan' can run the fragile tests again
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 350 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 36 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Microsoft Corporation

Pantograph plugin for Mobile Center

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **appcenter_upload** | - | Distribute new release to App Center
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 42 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 33 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 47 | More stars = more popular project forks | 45 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -11 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 187 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Stefan Natchev

Release your beta builds to Firebase App Distribution.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **firebase_app_distribution** | - | Release your beta builds with Firebase App Distribution
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 24 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 21 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 14 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 291 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 45 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Serghei Moret, Daniel Hartwich

This plugin Android tasks on docker images

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **run_dockerized_task** | - | Action that runs Android tasks on a specified Docker image
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 72 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 27 | More stars = more popular project forks | 25 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 154 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 66 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Bruno Correia

Runs Android tests in Firebase Test Lab.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **run_tests_firebase_testlab** | - | -
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 25 | More stars = more popular project forks | 40 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 210 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via BrowserStack

Uploads IPA and APK files to BrowserStack for automation and manual testing.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_to_browserstack_app_automate** | - | Uploads IPA and APK files to BrowserStack AppAutomate for running automated tests. **upload_to_browserstack_app_live** | - | Uploads IPA and APK files to BrowserStack AppLive for running manual tests.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 251 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 51 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Thi Doan

A Pantograph plugin that allows to cache Carthage/Build folder in Amazon S3.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **carthage_cache_install** | - | Download Carthage cache from Amazon S3 **carthage_cache_publish** | - | Upload Carthage cache to Amazon S3 **carthage_cache_exist** | - | Check if Carthage cache exists for Cartfile.resolved in Amazon S3
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 10 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 308 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via timwredwards

Fetches live iOS and macOS review times from

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **review_time** | - | Fetches live iOS and macOS review times from
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 21 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 284 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jimmy Dee

Pantograph plugin to update static settings in an iOS settings bundle

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_settings_bundle** | project | actions.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 20 | More stars = more popular project forks | 40 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 157 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fumiya Nakamura

Update Xcode projects

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_xcodeproj** | - | Update Xcode projects
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 237 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 12 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jan Piotrowski

Build your Ionic app

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ionic** | building | Build your Ionic app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 72 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 15 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 41 | More stars = more popular project forks | 55 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -23 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 144 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jakob Jensen

Prepares certificates and provisioning profiles for building and removes them afterwards.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **prepare_build_resources** | - | Prepares certificates and provisioning profiles for building and removes them afterwards.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | -50 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 295 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Shihua Zheng

Test your app with Firebase Test Lab with ease using pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **firebase_test_lab_ios_xctest** | - | Submit an iOS XCTest job to Firebase Test Lab
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 48 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 40 | More stars = more popular project forks | 40 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 147 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Moses Liao

Run swift code complexity analytics using Lizard

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **lizard** | - | Run lizard code cyclomatic complexity analysis.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 10 | More stars = more popular project forks | 25 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 141 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 72 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Derek Yang

Merges multiple junit reports into one

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **merge_junit_report** | - | Provides the ability to merge multiple junit reports into one
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 241 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 30 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Sergii Ovcharenko

Adds 2 actions to pantograph to read and update xcconfig files.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_xcconfig_value** | - | Updates value of a setting in xcconfig file. **set_xcconfig_value** | - | Sets the value of a setting in xcconfig file. **get_xcconfig_value** | - | Reads a value of a setting from xcconfig file.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 10 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 202 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 30 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dawid Cieslak

Uploads specified file to Slack

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **slack_upload** | - | Uploads given file to Slack
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 8 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 275 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via rexshi

distribute app to pgyer beta testing service

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **pgyer** | - | distribute app to pgyer beta testing service
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 22 | More stars = more popular project forks | 35 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 191 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jiří Otáhal

Automated version managment and generator of release notes.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **conventional_changelog** | - | Get commits since last version and generates release notes **analyze_commits** | - | Finds a tag of last release and determinates version of next release
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 32 | More stars = more popular project forks | 35 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 92 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 75 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Richard Szalay

Applies changes to plists and app icons inside a compiled IPA or xcarchive

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **act** | - | Reconfigures .plists and icons inside a compiled IPA
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 20 | More stars = more popular project forks | 30 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 88 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Felix Krause, Boris Bügling

Danger plugin for the pantograph device grid.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 21 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 20 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 180 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Helmut Januschka

pantograph Crypt Store Git repo

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **cryptex** | - | Secure Git-Backed Storage **cryptex_generate_keystore** | - | Generate a new Android Keystore
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 36 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 26 | More stars = more popular project forks | 55 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 101 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via KrauseFx

Convert the Xcode plist log to a JUnit report

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **trainer** | - | Convert the Xcode plist log to a JUnit report. This will raise an exception if the tests failed
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 30 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 102 | More stars = more popular project forks | 60 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -5 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 24 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Anton Domashnev

Remove provision profile from your local machine

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **remove_provisioning_profile** | - | Remove the provisioning profile for the given app_identifier and type from local machine
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 7 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 92 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 60 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via United Classifieds

Reads property file into dictionary

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **property_file_read** | - | Reads property file into dictionary
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 205 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Zeplin, Inc.

pantograph plugin to notarize a macOS app

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **notarize** | - | Notarizes a macOS app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 36 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 51 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 58 | More stars = more popular project forks | 35 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 19 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Morten Bøgh

Send a success/error message to your Microsoft Teams channel

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **teams** | notifications | Send a message to your Microsoft Teams channel via the webhook connector
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 181 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Iulian Onofrei

Overlay build information on top of your app icon

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **version_icon** | - | Overlay build information on top of your app icon. Based on original work by Krzysztof Zabłocki (
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 43 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 31 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Manuel Koch

CodePush functionality for pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **code_push_promote** | - | CodePush promote **code_push_login** | - | CodePush login with accessKey **code_push_release_react** | - | CodePush release-react functionality for pantograph **code_push_release_cordova** | - | CodePush release-cordova functionality for pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 23 | More stars = more popular project forks | 25 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 122 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via pacification

Upload .ipa or .apk file to

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **diawi** | - | Upload .ipa/.apk file to
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 19 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 131 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via gmgchow

Retries failed XCUITest test cases

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 224 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Michael Ruhl

Run Homebrew/Linuxbrew command

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **brew** | - | Run Homebrew/Linuxbrew command
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 36 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 138 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Daniel Kiedrowski

Helps to update the translations of your app using the OneSky service.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **onesky_upload** | - | Upload a strings file to OneSky **onesky_download** | - | Download a translation file from OneSky
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 15 | More stars = more popular project forks | 65 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 88 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Afonso Graça

Organise your Xcode project folder to match your Xcode groups.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **synx** | - | Organise your Xcode project folder to match your Xcode groups.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 24 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 151 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jan Piotrowski

Upgrades super old Xcode projects to Xcode 8

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upgrade_super_old_xcode_project** | - | Upgrades super old Xcode projects to Xcode 8
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 159 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Bumsoo Kim

Upload files to Google Drive

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_to_google_drive** | - | Upload files to Google Drive **create_google_drive_folder** | - | Create new folder on Google Drive
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 19 | More stars = more popular project forks | 30 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 10 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 71 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 42 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via bang

Update Android res strings.xml

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 236 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Massimo Oliviero

Extract compressed files in a ZIP

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **unzip** | - | Extract compressed files in a ZIP
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 120 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via GaryJohnson

Retrieves a list of unprovisioned devices from Hockey which can be passed directly into register_devices.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_unprovisioned_devices_from_hockey** | - | Retrieves a list of unprovisioned devices from Hockey which can be passed directly into register_devices.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 24 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 109 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Felix Krause

Useful pantograph actions for Ruby projects

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **rubocop** | - | Runs the code style checks **rspec** | - | Run tests using rspec
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 134 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via BinaryBeard

Uploads coverage report to

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **codecov_reporter** | - | Uploads coverage report to
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 130 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Branch, Jimmy Dee

Adds Branch keys, custom URI schemes and domains to iOS and Android projects. Validates the Universal Link configuration for any Xcode project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_action_docs** | - | Generate a standard action page for each action **update_readme** | - | Update the contents of the README in this repo **branch_report** | project | Generate a brief summary or a full build report for your project. **setup_branch** | project | configuration for Xcode projects. **validate_universal_links** | project | Validates Universal Link configuration for an Xcode project.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 24 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 35 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fernando Saragoca

List git tags sorted by taggerdate

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_tags** | source_control | List git tags
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 139 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Sandy Chapman

Manage your JIRA project's releases/versions with this plugin.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **release_jira_version** | - | Releases a version in your JIRA project **create_jira_version** | - | Creates a new version in your JIRA project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 7 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 128 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via André Pacheco Neves, Luís Portela Afonso

A pantograph plugin to help you sign your iOS builds

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **cosigner** | - | A pantograph plugin to help you sign your iOS builds
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 39 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 21 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 46 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Alejandro Jimenez

Upload new build to Applivery

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **applivery** | beta | Upload new iOS or Android build to Applivery
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 12 | More stars = more popular project forks | 20 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 72 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Travis Palmer

Easily fetch the most recent HockeyApp version number for your app

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **latest_hockeyapp_version_number** | - | Easily fetch the most recent HockeyApp version number for your app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 119 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Сергей Веселовский

Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gs_move_to_ready_for_sale** | - | Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases **gs_remove_from_testflight_review** | - | Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases **gs_get_release_notes** | - | Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases **gs_get_app_status** | - | Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases **gs_move_rc_to_beta_review** | - | Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases **gs_start_external_testing** | - | Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases **gs_reject_latest_version** | - | Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases **gs_execute_command** | - | Gradoservice plugin to rule apps releases
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 160 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via fierysolid

Increment the version name of your android project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **increment_version_name** | project | Increment the version name of your android project.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 157 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Massimo Oliviero

This action downloads a file from an HTTP/HTTPS url (e.g. ZIP file) and puts it in a destination path

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **download_file** | - | -
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 86 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fernando Saragoca

Download and upload files to AWS S3

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **s3_download** | - | Download a file from AWS S3 **s3_check_file** | - | Check if file exists in AWS S3 **s3_upload** | - | Upload a file to AWS S3
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 116 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via icyleaf

Automate generate changelog between previous build failed and the latest commit of scm in CI

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ci_changelog** | - | Automate generate changelog between previous build failed and the latest commit of scm in CI.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 33 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via DrAL3X

Create images combining app screenshots with templates to make nice pictures for the App Store

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **framer** | - | Create images combining app screenshots to templates to make a nice \'screenshot\' to upload in App Store
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 23 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 48 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via GaryJohnson

Pretty JUnit test results for your Android projects.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **pretty_junit** | - | Pretty JUnit test results for your Android projects.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 21 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 119 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Felix Krause

Automatically remove TestFlight testers that are not actually testing your app

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **clean_testflight_testers** | - | Automatically remove TestFlight testers that are not actually testing your app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 26 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 65 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Lyndsey Ferguson

A pantograph plugin that works with Blackberry Dynamics (formerly Good Dynamics) provides Mobile Application Management

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_info_plist_for_blackberry_mam** | - | updates the plist so that the built application can be deployed and managed within BlackBerry's Good Dynamics Control Center for Enterprise Mobility Management. **blackberry_mam_network_check** | - | Checks to see if the required network ports for BlackBerry Dynamics are open on the network **blackberry_mam_version** | - | Checks the version of the installed Good framework
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via teriiehina

Upload a folder to S3

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_folder_to_s3** | - | Upload a folder to S3
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 30 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 7 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 52 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 18 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jimmy Dee

Apply and revert pattern-based patches to any text file.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **apply_patch** | deprecated | Apply pattern-based patches to any text file. **revert_patch** | deprecated | Revert the action of apply_patch **patch** | project | Apply pattern-based patches to any text file.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 51 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 60 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Helmut Januschka


Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **sharethemeal** | - | Donate food via ShareTheMeal
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 7 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 78 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Maksym Grebenets

Adds actions to pantograph to work with xcconfig files

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **build_settings_to_flags** | building | Map xcconfig build settings to compiler and linker build flags **read_xcconfig** | building | Read and resolve contents of xcconfig file and return as JSON **validate_xcconfig** | linting | Validate xcconfig file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 80 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Daniel Hartwich

Starts n AVDs based on JSON file config. AVDs are created and configured according to user liking before instrumentation test process (started either via shell command or gradle) and killed/deleted after test process finishes.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **automated_test_emulator_run_xing** | - | Starts AVD, based on AVD_setup.json file, before test launch and kills it after testing is done.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 36 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 38 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fernando Saragoca

Changelog generation based on merged pull requests & tags

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **generate_changelog** | - | Changelog generation based on merged pull requests & tags **generate_release_changelog** | - | Changelog generation based on merged pull requests & tags, filtered by one or two tags
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 94 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Allan Vialatte

Simple ftp upload and download for Pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ftp** | - | Upload and Download files via FTP
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 27 | More stars = more popular project forks | 50 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 30 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Harry Singh

Cerberus is a pantograph plugin for extracting Jira issues from commit messages and sharing information on its respective Jenkins job and HockeyApp upload.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **find_commits** | - | Extracts additional issues from the log **jira_comment** | - | This action adds comments on Jira issues with the current build number and url of that build **find_tickets** | - | Extracts the Jira issue keys between commits **release_notes** | - | -
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 57 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 18 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 30 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via KrauseFx

Print the Club Mate logo in your build output

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **clubmate** | - | Print a Club Mate in your build output
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 77 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Richard Szalay

Deprecated in favor of 'pantograph-plugin-act'

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **act** | - | Reconfigures .plists and icons inside a compiled IPA
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 17 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 72 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Alexander Ignition

Release notes from JIRA for version

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **jira_release_notes** | - | Jira release notes
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 66 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 33 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Viktor Malyi

Export/import app localizations with help of xcodebuild -exportLocalizations/-importLocalizations tool

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **import_localizations** | - | Import app localizations with help of xcodebuild -importLocalizations tool **export_localizations** | - | Export app localizations with help of xcodebuild -exportLocalizations tool
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 9 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 79 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Sergii Stotskyi, Kirill Pahnev

Gets latest version number of the app with the bundle id from HockeyApp

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **latest_hockey_build_number** | - | Gets latest version number of the app with the bundle id from HockeyApp
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 91 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Michael Ruhl

Creates and starts an Android Emulator (AVD)

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_emulator** | - | Creates and starts an Android Emulator (AVD)
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 30 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 26 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Tommy Sadiq Hinrichsen

Tags all Jira issues mentioned in git changelog with with a fix version from parameter :name

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **jira_set_fix_version** | - | Tags all Jira issues mentioned in git changelog with with a fix version from parameter :name
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 64 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via SiarheiFiedartsou

Pantograph plugin for API

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **giffy_random_sticker_url** | - | Allows to obtain URL to some random GIF sticker from **giffy_random_gif_url** | - | Allows to obtain URL to some random funny GIF from
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 70 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 12 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via punksta

Build xamarin android\ios projects

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **extract_certificate** | - | Extract certificate public key from provision profile **xamarin_update_configuration** | - | Set properties of specific build configuration in Xamarin configuration file **xamarin_build** | - | Build xamarin android and ios projects
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 24 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 7 | More stars = more popular project forks | 40 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 23 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Siarhei Fiedartsou

Uploads dSYM to Instabug

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **instabug** | - | -
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 60 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 21 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via MaximusMcCann

Change the package identifier in the AndroidManifest.xml file. Can revert as well.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 166 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Shashikant Jagtap

Upload IPA to iTunes Connect using altool

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **altool** | - | Upload IPA to iTunes Connect using altool
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 12 | More stars = more popular project forks | 30 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 23 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Silviu Paragina

New action to run instrumented tests for android. This plugin creates and boots an emulator before running a gradle command so that you can run instrumented tests against that emulator. After the gradle command is executed, the avd gets shut down and deleted. This is really helpful on CI services, keeping them clean and always having a fresh avd for testing.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **instrumented_tests** | - | Run android instrumented tests via a gradle command againts a newly created avd
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 14 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 56 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Philipp Burgk, Michael Ruhl

Install required Android-SDK packages

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_sdk_update** | - | Install and update required Android-SDK packages
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 30 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 20 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Florian Rauscha

Sets your connected android devices to demo mode

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **demo_mode** | - | Sets your device to demo mode
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 40 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Michael Ruhl

Run xcodegen for the project

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xcodegen** | - | Runs `xcodegen` for the project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 30 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 64 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Alexander Ignition

send mail from gmail

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gmail** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 62 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 15 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Oliver Limberg

Plugin to upload files via SFTP

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **sftp_download** | misc | download files from a remote Server via SFTP **sftp_upload** | misc | upload files to a remote Server via SFTP
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 60 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Marcelo Oliveira

Estimates download and install sizes for your app, also checks if sizes fit the requirements

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **store_size_xcarchive_check** | - | Checks if the size report fits the requirements **store_size_xcarchive** | - | Estimates download and install sizes for your app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 11 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 26 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 39 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via wasabeef

Test your app with Firebase Test Lab with ease using pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **firebase_test_lab_android** | - | Runs Android tests in Firebase Test Lab.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 51 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 18 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 31 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Сергей Веселовский

Plugin contains project flow code for code sharing between projects

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 154 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Maksym Grebenets

Manage Apple iTMSTransporter installation

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **configure_transporter** | - | Configure Apple iTMSTransporter installation **update_transporter_path** | - | Configure Pantograph to use custom Transporter installation **install_transporter** | - | Install Apple iTMSTransporter
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 60 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Helmut Januschka

Uploads dSym to New Relic

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 150 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Valerio Mazzeo

Apply a JIRA transition to issues mentioned in the changelog

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **jira_transition** | - | Apply a JIRA transition to issues mentioned in the changelog
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 12 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 76 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via J. G. Pusey

Upload build to Waldo

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **waldo** | testing | Upload a new build to [Waldo](
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 35 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fumiya Nakamura

Ensure Xcode Build Version for working with Beta, GM and Release

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ensure_xcode_build_version** | - | Ensure the selected Xcode Build version with xcode-select matches a value
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 24 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 15 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via MaximusMcCann

Change the app_name in the strings.xml file & revert method

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_change_string_app_name** | - | Change the app_name in the strings.xml file & revert method **android_change_string_app_name_revert** | - | Revert strings.xml app_name using ANDROID_CHANGE_STRING_APP_NAME_ORIGINAL_NAME
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 82 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Thiago Felix

Send message to Rocket.Chat right from pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **rocket_chat** | - | Send a success/error message to your RocketChat group
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 65 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jeff Ward

Build a Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android project using msbuild

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **msbuild** | - | Build a Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android project using msbuild **assembly_info_poke_version** | - | Set the version in an AssemblyInfo.cs file. Optionally only set the revision number **nuget_pack** | - | Package a nuspec **nuspec_poke_version** | - | Set the version in a Nuspec file. Optionally only set the revision number
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 27 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 66 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Piotrek Dubiel

Polidea's pantograph action

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 117 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Jonas Rottmann

A pantograph plugin providing actions related to twine

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **twine_generate** | building | Generates all localization files specified by the configuration file **twine_check** | building | Checks the source twine file against the localization file to make sure they are in sync **twine_validate** | building | Validates all twine files mentioned in the config file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 36 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Abbas Jaffery

Sync metadata with Lokalise

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **add_keys_to_lokalise** | - | Add keys to lokalise **lokalise** | - | Download Lokalise localization **lokalise_metadata** | - | Upload metadata to lokalise.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 52 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Michael Furtak

Provides the ability to display and act upon GitHub server status as part of your build

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **github_status** | - | Provides the ability to check on GitHub server status as part of your build
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 10 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 48 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Moyuru Aizawa

Compare snapshots

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **take_screenshot** | - | Take screenshots
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 60 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 15 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 12 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mario Hahn

Creates .strings files for iOS and strings.xml files for Android

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **google_sheet_localize** | - | Creates .strings files for iOS and strings.xml files for Android
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 15 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 57 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Renzo Crisostomo

Pantograph plugin to interact with xcrun simctl

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 141 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Felix Rudat

A pantograph component to make Xamarin builds a breeze

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **app_version** | - | Easily set or print app version with `app_version` **souyuz** | - | Easily build and sign your app using `souyuz`
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 28 | More stars = more popular project forks | 30 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 31 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dmitry Fink

Bugsee symbols uploader

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_symbols_to_bugsee** | - | -
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 36 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Gianfranco Manganiello

Generate custom HTML for coverage

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xcov_report** | - | Generate custom HTML for coverage
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 14 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Adrian Regan

Integrating Pantograph with Ionic Generated Projects

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ionic_ios_config_snapshot** | - | Create a Sample iOS UI Unit Test to get started with in a generated Ionic/Cordova project **ionic_ios_snapshot** | - | Bridge between Ionic/Cordova Projects and Pantograph for Automated Snapshot Generation for iOS Projects
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 22 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 15 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Derek Yang

Verify various aspects of iOS ipa file

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **verify_ipa_files** | - | Verify files in ipa file **verify_ipa_entitlements** | - | Verify ipa entitlements
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 51 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via icyleaf

Teardown tool for mobile app(ipa/apk), analysis metedata like version, name, icon etc.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **app_info** | - | Parse and dump mobile app(ipa/apk) metedata.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 14 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 39 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kamil Krzyk

Starts n AVDs based on JSON file config. AVDs are created and configured according to user liking before instrumentation test process (started either via shell command or gradle) and killed/deleted after test process finishes.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **automated_test_emulator_run** | - | Starts AVD, based on AVD_setup.json file, before test launch and kills it after testing is done.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 28 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fernando Saragoca

Generate xcodebuild reports using xcpretty

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xcpretty_report** | - | xcpretty
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 54 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Rishabh Tayal

Record total time saved by pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **hours** | - | Record total time saved by pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 25 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Nick Hammond

Trigger a Bitrise build from Pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **trigger_bitrise_build** | - | Trigger a Bitrise build from Pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 17 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Josh Holtz

Creates AWS SNS platform applications

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **aws_sns** | - | Creates AWS SNS platform applications
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 61 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via tbrand

Pantograph plugin to use bluepill in pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **bluepill** | - | Plugin to use bluepill in pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 15 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 13 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 13 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Colin Harris

Pantograph plugin to remove settings from an iOS settings bundle

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **remove_setting** | project | Pantograph plugin action to remove settings in an iOS settings bundle
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 60 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub




Generate custom HTML report compilation time of each Swift func

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **compilation_time_report** | - | Generate custom HTML report compilation time of each Swift func
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 24 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dominik Kapusta

Uploads files to Dropbox

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **dropbox** | - | Uploads files to Dropbox
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 30 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 15 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Vineet Choudhary

Deploy Development, Ad-Hoc and In-house (Enterprise) iOS applications directly to the devices from your Dropbox account.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **appbox** | - | Deploy Development, Ad-Hoc and In-house (Enterprise) iOS applications directly to the devices from your Dropbox account.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 25 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via James Campbell

Exports translations from

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **poeditor_export** | - | Exports translations from
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 29 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Bruno Coelho

Show the status of one or multiple files/directories

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_status** | - | Show the status of one or multiple files/directories
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 40 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Akash Duseja

Upload dSYM symbolication files to Flurry

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **flurry_upload_dsym** | misc | Upload dSYM symbolication files to Flurry
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 30 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 12 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via MaximusMcCann

gets the android versionName and versionCode from the AndroidManifest.xml file located in the provided apk

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_android_version** | - | Gets the android versionName, versionCode and parsed appName (label) from AndroidManifest.xml file in provided apk
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 68 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Igor Lamoš

iOS Versioning Plugin for Pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ios_set_build_number** | - | Set the Build Number of your iOS project **ios_get_build_number** | - | Get the Build Number of your iOS project **ios_set_version** | - | Set the Version of your iOS project **ios_get_version** | - | Get the Version of your iOS project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 25 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 51 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Boris Bügling

Play music using pantograph, because you can.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **tunes** | - | Play music using pantograph, because you can
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 17 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Artem Sheremet

Flutter actions plugin for Pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **flutter_bootstrap** | - | Flutter SDK installation, upgrade and application bootstrap **flutter** | - | Run "flutter" binary with the specified arguments **flutter_build** | building | - **flutter_generate** | - | 1. Run `build_runner build` if build_runner is in dev_dependencies\n2. According to `package:intl`, take `$strings_file` and generate `${strings_file.dirname}/arb/intl_messages.arb`, then take all files matching `${strings_file.dirname}/intl_*.arb`, fix them and generate .dart files from them
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 49 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Maksym Grebenets

Wait for Xcode toolchain to come back online after switching Xcode versions.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **wait_xcrun** | - | Wait for Xcode toolchain to come back online after switching Xcode versions.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 13 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Marten Klitzke

Plugin to manage Releases and upload JS Sourcemaps

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **raven** | - | Create new Sentry/Raven Release and Upload Sourcemaps
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 30 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 23 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via yuriy-tolstoguzov

Adds fix version to specified JIRA issues. Creates version if needed

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **set_jira_fix_version** | misc | Adds fix version to specified JIRA issues. Creates version if needed **jira_issue_keys_from_changelog** | misc | Gets list of JIRA issues kyes from git log starting from specified tag
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 32 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Siarhei Fiedartsou

Runs Clang Static Analyzer( and generates report

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **clang_analyzer** | - | Runs Clang Static Analyzer( and generates report
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 16 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Stefan Natchev

Add some branding to your pantograph output

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **branding** | - | Add some branding to your pantograph output
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 11 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 20 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Olga Kniazska

Runs different Static Analyzers and generate report

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ruby_analyzer** | - | This analyzer detect warnings, errors and check syntax in ruby files. This is based on rubocop **cpd_analyzer** | - | This analyzer detect copy paste code (it uses PMD CPD) **clang_analyzer** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **warning_analyzer** | - | This analyzer detect warnings in Xcode projects. **code_static_analyzer** | - | -
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 36 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via icyleaf

Automatic generate app build number unque and human readable friendly, like yymmHHMM. both support iOS and Android.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **humanable_build_number** | - | Automatic generate app build number unque and human readable friendly, like yymmHHMM. both support iOS and Android.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 38 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Felix Krause

Show a train of the pantograph progress

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 119 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Jakob Jensen

Handling translations from Google sheet.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **create_translation** | - | Create sheet for translations in Google sheets. **translation** | - | Output translations from Google sheet into templates.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 23 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Pavlo Pakholka

Adds 4 actions to pantograph to read and update properties files.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **increment_version_name_in_properties_file** | - | Sets a value of a setting in .properties file. **set_properties_value** | - | Sets a value of a setting in .properties file. **get_properties_value** | - | Reads a value of a setting from .properties file. **increment_version_code_in_properties_file** | - | Increase version code inside .properties file.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 17 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 15 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Manu Wallner

pantograph Actions to support building images, logging into Docker Hub, and pushing those images to the Hub

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **docker_build** | - | Build docker images in the current directory **docker_login** | - | Login to Docker Hub **ensure_docker_machine_available** | - | Makes sure a docker machine is created and available for us to use **docker_compose** | - | Define and run multi-container applications with Docker **docker_push** | - | Push a docker image to its' repository
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 15 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fernando Saragoca

Google Cloud Storage

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **google_cloud_storage_check_file** | - | Check if file exists in Google Cloud Storage **google_cloud_storage_download** | - | Download a file from Google Cloud Storage **google_cloud_storage_upload** | - | Upload a file to Google Cloud Storage
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 44 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Ackee

Unofficial tool to access Firebase project settings

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **firebase_management_add_app** | - | Add new app to Firebase project **firebase_management_list** | - | List all Firebase projects and their apps **firebase_management_download_config** | - | Download configuration file for Firebase app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Tomas Kohout

Unofficial tool to access Firebase project settings

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **firebase_delete_client** | - | An unofficial tool to access Firebase **firebase_add_client** | - | An unofficial tool to access Firebase **firebase_list** | - | An unofficial tool to access Firebase **firebase_download_config** | - | An unofficial tool to access Firebase **firebase_upload_certificate** | - | An unofficial tool to access Firebase
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 23 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Boris Bügling

Add some fun to your pantograph output.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ascii_art** | - | Add some fun to your pantograph output.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 20 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Michael Ruhl

Creates and starts an Android Emulator (AVD)

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_emulator_kami** | - | Creates and starts an Android Emulator (AVD)
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mads Møller

Upload IPA AND APK builds to Napp Distribution

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **napp_distribution** | - | Upload builds to Napp Distribution Center
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Pawel Jankowski

Helps provision your app in the CI environment

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **set_key_partition_list** | - | Sets key partition list (required by macOS Sierra) **install_profiles** | - | Install profiles from specified directory
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Ram Awadhesh Sharan

The main purpose of this plugin is to upload an IPA or an APK file to an AirWatch or Workspace ONE enterprise instance/console.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **add_or_update_assignments** | - | The main purpose of this action is to add a new smart group assignment to an application or to update an existing smart group assignment of an application with a given dictionary of deployment/assignment parameters. If a smart group name is provided which does not exist yet on Console, assignment for that smart group is ignored. **unretire_specific_version** | - | The main purpose of this action is to unretire a specific version of an application. This action takes a string parameter where you can specify the version number to unretire. **retire_previous_versions** | - | The main purpose of this action is to retire previous active versions of an application. This action takes a string parameter where you can specify the number of latest versions to keep if you do not want to retire all the previous active versions. **delete_specific_version** | - | The main purpose of this action is to delete a specific version of an application. This action takes a string parameter where you can specify the version number to delete. **deploy_build** | - | The main purpose of this action is to upload an IPA or an APK file to an AirWatch or Workspace ONE enterprise console. **delete_previous_versions** | - | The main purpose of this action is to delete versions of an application. This action takes a string parameter where you can specify the number of latest versions to keep if you do not want to delete all the versions. **retire_specific_version** | - | The main purpose of this action is to retire a specific version of an application. This action takes a string parameter where you can specify the version number to retire. **unretire_all_versions** | - | The main purpose of this action is to unretire all retired versions of an application.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Alexey Dvoryanskiy

Easily create dmg for your Mac app

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **dmg** | misc | Create DMG for your Mac app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 27 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Boris Bügling

no u

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **no_u** | - | no u
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 14 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Thi

Validate your build before uploading to iTunes Connect

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **validate_app** | - | Validate your ipa file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 11 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 28 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mads Bøgeskov

Converts SwiftLint reports into GitLab support CodeQuality reports

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **swiftlint_codequality** | - | Converts SwiftLint reports into GitLab support CodeQuality reports
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 19 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 24 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Michael Ruhl

Creates and starts an Android Emulator (AVD)

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_emulator_kami** | - | Creates and starts an Android Emulator (AVD)
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via kochavi-daniel

Analyzes an apk to fetch: versionCode, versionName, apk size, etc.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **analyze_apk** | - | Analyzes an apk to fetch: versionCode, versionName, apk size, permissions, etc.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 32 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via sergpetrov

Allows post messages to telegram channel

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **telegram** | - | Allows post messages to telegram channel
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 10 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 40 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Ryo Sakaguchi

Read properties in your Pantfile easily

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gradle_properties** | - | Read properties in your Pantfile easily
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 68 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Taisuke Hori

Generates JUnit or HTML report from Xcode plist test report files.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xcode_test_reporter** | - | Generates JUnit or HTML report from Xcode `plist` test report files
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 10 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Nicolae Ghimbovschi

Various utilities for iOS CI

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **en_build_number** | - | Get the value for build number from environment **en_install_provisioning_profiles** | - | Copies recursively all provisioning profiles from current folder to system Provisioning Profiles **en_profile_name** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **en_remove_keychain** | - | Removes the keychain setup by en_setup_keychain **en_ci_utils_init** | - | Sets env variables for gym, scan, swiftlint and lizard actions **en_setup_project** | - | Updates Xcode project, plist and entitlements file if config file is provided **en_setup_keychain** | - | Creates the keychain, and imports the provided certificate **en_git_changelog** | - | Creates a change log from git commits by filtering commits by a pattern (e.g. JIRA task prefix) **en_close_simulator** | - | Closes all simulator instances **en_create_sonar_reports** | - | Creates swiftlint, lizard and oclint reports and adjusts junit reports for sonarqube (with the open source swift/objc plugin)
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 23 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via GaryJohnson

Deletes a file, folder or multiple files using shell glob pattern.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **delete_files** | - | Deletes a file, folder or multiple files using shell glob pattern.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 21 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 30 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Lyndsey Ferguson

Gets PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER from the first buildable target in a given scheme

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_product_bundle_id** | - | Gets PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER from a buildable target in an Xcode project using a provided scheme
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 37 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 18 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Boris Bügling

Ya tu sabes.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ya_tu_sabes** | - | Ya tu sabes.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Viktoras Laukevičius

Retrieves a list of devices from Hockey which can then be used with Match

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **hockey_devices** | - | Retrieves a list of devices from Hockey which can then be used with Match
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 21 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Titouan Van Belle

Plugin for XCHTMLReport

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xchtmlreport** | - | Xcode-like HTML report for Unit and UI Tests
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 39 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Azadeh Bagheri

This plugin produces generic test execution reports supported by SonarQube from JUnit test reports generated by pantograph.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **forsis** | - | This plugin produces generic test execution reports supported by SonarQube from JUnit test reports generated by pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 24 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via alexander sun

Extract JIRA information from git merge

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_info_extract** | - | Extract JIRA information from git merge
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 55 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Justin Williams

Upload dSYM symbolication files to Hockey

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_symbols_to_hockey** | - | Upload dSYM symbolication files to Hockey
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 13 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mads Møller

Napp Notifications

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **napp_notifications** | push | Napp Notifications
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Zaim Ramlan

Get the details for the given jira issue key(s)

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_jira_issue** | - | Get the details for the given jira issue key(s).
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 19 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 21 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mario Zimmermann

Takes the screenshots from devices which match the specified names and puts them in a new directory for frameit to process. The screenshot files can then be cleaned up after the device images are created.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **device_image_selector** | - | Selects screenshots with specified names for processing with frameit **device_image_selector_cleanup** | - | Cleanup screenshot files after frameit
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 10 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dmitry Bespalov

Semaphore CI integration

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **setup_semaphore** | - | Semaphore CI integration
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 14 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 21 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via SAVeselovskiy

Plugin for GradoService versioning system

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gs_save_beta_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system **gs_increment_rc_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system **gs_get_beta_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system **gs_increment_release_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system **gs_get_release_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system **gs_save_rc_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system **gs_increment_beta_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system **gs_get_rc_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system **gs_save_release_version** | - | Plugin for GradoService versioning system
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 49 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Takashi Hasegawa

Verifies the session cookie for 'Two-Step verification for Apple ID'

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **verify_two_step_session** | misc | Verifies the session cookie for 'Two-Factor authentication/Two-Step verification for Apple ID'
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 21 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Paldom

Load and edit files

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **set_sonar_properties** | - | Load and edit sonar properties file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 12 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Lyndsey Ferguson

Retrieves the expiry date of the given p12 certificate file

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **certificate_expirydate** | - | Retrieves the expiry date of the given p12 certificate file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 12 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jack Spargo

Use AppCenter API to get the latest version and build number for an App Center app

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **latest_appcenter_build_number** | - | Gets latest version number of the app from AppCenter
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 33 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Shuttle Project

Publish your builds on

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **shuttle** | - | Publish your builds on [](
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 24 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 8 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dennis Charmington

Outputs the total number of swift lines and other useful statistics

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **number_of_swift_lines** | - | Outputs the total number of lines of swift code, number of swift files, and a list of the largest swift files, and some other useful statistics
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 46 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Daniel Jankowski

secret_keeper is a wrapped on keychain access.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **remove_item_from_keychain** | - | Removes the credentials from the keychain on behalf of the user **add_item_to_keychain** | - | Adds the credentials to the keychain on behalf of the user **read_item_from_keychain** | - | Reads the password from the keychain for a given item
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Matej Sychra

Pantograph plugin SFTP/AppRepo uploader

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **download_manifest** | - | Runs the Apprepo plugin **apprepo** | - | - **init** | - | Initializes Repofile **run** | - | Runs the default Apprepo action **submit** | - | Submits IPA to Apprepo
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 42 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Flaregames GmbH

pantograph tools for TeamCity CI

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **extract_version_info_android** | - | Extract VersionName, VersionCode and PackageName from artifact **resign_android** | - | Resign Android executable **resign_ios** | - | Resign iOS executable **extract_version_info_windows** | - | Extract Version and Name from AppxManifest.xml **appcenter_upload_multi** | - | Upload multiple apks or ipas to App Center **extract_version_info_ios** | - | Extract CFBundleShortVersionString, CFBundleVersion and CFBundleIdentifier from Info.plist **update_dsym_bundle_id** | - | Update Bundle Identifier in Info.plist of dSYM file **extract_appx** | - | Extract appx bundle and add it to output path
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 50 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via giginet

Post values to InfluxDB

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **influxdb** | - | Post values to IndluxDB
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Pat Wilson

Pantograph plugins for the Teak SDK

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **teak_extensions** | - | Add App Extension **teak_sdk** | - | Download the Teak SDK **teak** | - | Pantograph plugins for the Teak SDK
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 16 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via masashi mizuno

This will create a new merge request on GitLab.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **create_merge_request** | source_control | This will create a new marge request on GitLab
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 18 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via dvlprliu

send messages to a bearychat channal

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **bearychat** | - | send messages to a bearychat channal
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jakob Jensen

Generate code for buildtime-safe assignments of assets.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **unused_images** | - | - **static_images** | - | Generate code for buildtime-safe assignments of images.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Josh Holtz

Generate an Android keystore file

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_keystore** | - | Generate an Android keystore file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 15 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Arne Kaiser

Plugin to deploy an app to the Huawei AppGallery

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **huawei_appgallery** | - | Plugin to deploy an app to the Huawei AppGallery
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 15 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fernando Saragoca

Helper for caching builds when using 'build for testing' & 'test without building'

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **clean_build_cache_workspace** | - | Cleans workspace by removing old builds, using last access time for comparison **archive_derived_data** | - | Archives derived data folder in a zip file for later use **check_build_cache_workspace** | - | Check if cache for current build is avaiable **unarchive_derived_data** | - | Unarchives derived data folder from a zip file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 13 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dylan Gyesbreghs

Install all the provisioning profiles located in you're project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **install_provisioning_profiles** | - | Install all the provisioning profiles located in you're project.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 16 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Adam Armstrong

Build Axway Appcelerator Mobile Applications from within pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ti_build_app** | - | Build Axway Appcelerator Mobile Applications from within pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 6 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via wschurman

Upload metadata, screenshots and binaries to Aptoide

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **supply_aptoide** | - | Upload metadata, screenshots and binaries to Aptoide.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Josh Holtz

Queue up pantograph jobs

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **queue_stop** | - | Stops web server and worker for queueing pantograph jobs **queue_start** | - | Starts web server and worker for queueing pantograph jobs **queue** | - | Adds pantograph jobs to a queue
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 8 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Paul Niezborala

Create Windows Installer

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **msi** | - | Create Windows Installer
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jonathan Ritchie

Find a string in a file and replace it with a new one.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **find_replace_string** | - | Find and replace a string in a project file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 34 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Yahoo Japan Corporation

Setup the Info.plist for App Feedback SDK

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **setup_app_feedback_sdk** | - | Setup the Info.plist for App Feedback SDK
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 21 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Wolfgang Lutz

Searches the code for extractable strings and allows interactive extraction to .strings file.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **localize** | - | Searches the code for extractable strings and allows interactive extraction to .strings file.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 10 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jan Piotrowski

Take screenshots of your Cordova/Ionic app with pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **init_cordova_screenshots_ios** | - | Creates an iOS UI Unit Tests in '#{CordovaScreenshots::CORDOVA_SCREENSHOTS_IOS_CONFIG_PATH}' **retrofit_cordova_screenshots_android** | - | Retrofit test into Android project **retrofit_cordova_screenshots_ios** | - | Retrofit test into iOS Xcode project **init_cordova_screenshots_android** | - | Creates an Android UI test in '#{CordovaScreenshots::CORDOVA_SCREENSHOTS_ANDROID_CONFIG_PATH}'
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -10 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 15 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Manabu OHTAKE

Downloads a Circle CI artifact's

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **show_builds** | - | This action show recent builds a Circle CI artifact's using the Circle CI API **get_recent_builds** | - | This action recent builds a Circle CI artifact's using the Circle CI API **download_circleci_artifacts** | - | This action downloads a Circle CI artifact's using the Circle CI API and puts it in a destination path.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 36 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via dongorigin

Upload a new build to

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **fir** | beta | Upload a new build to
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 10 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Boris Bügling

Quickly try out pantograph plugins.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jonas Schmid

Allow to take values from the localization.strings and put them into Info.plist

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **updateplistfromstrings** | - | Update InfoPlist.strings from translation file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via icyleaf

Update Description of Build

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_jenkins_build** | - | Update build's description of jenkins
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 18 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via kochavi-daniel

Analyzes results of 'pod outdated' in a structured manner

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **parse_pod_dependencies** | - | Analyzes 'pod outdated' results and structures it for further usage.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Alexander Ignition

send imessage

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **imessage** | notifications | send imessage
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 18 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jonathan Ritchie

Generic xml editor for iOS and Android projects.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xml_editor** | - | Generic XML file editor **xml_add** | - | Generic XML file add content using XPath **xml_remove** | - | Generic XML file remover using XPath **xml_set_attribute** | - | Add XML attribute using XPath
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 25 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Erik Flores

Create readme for ios projects

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ios_readme_generate** | - | Create readme for ios projects :D
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Artur Rybak

Upload dSYM files to AppDynamics

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **appdynamics** | - | Upload dSYM symbolication files to AppDynamics
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 22 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Naylin Medina

customized template for iOS test reports

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **test_report** | - | Create customized HTML template for test reports
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -4 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Hector

Deploy local directory to AWS S3 bucket and invalidate CloudFront

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **deploy_aws_s3_cloudfront** | - | Deploy local directory to AWS S3 bucket and invalidate CloudFront
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Gloria Chow

This pantograph plugin includes the following actions:
1) multi_scan: uses scan to run Xcode tests, optionally in batches, a given number of times: only re-testing failing tests.
2) suppress_tests_from_junit: uses a junit xml report file to suppress either passing or failing tests in an Xcode Scheme.
3) suppress_tests: suppresses specific tests in a specific or all Xcode Schemes in a given project.
4) suppressed_tests: retrieves a list of tests that are suppressed in a specific or all Xcode Schemes in a project.
5) tests_from_junit: retrieves the failing and passing tests as reported in a junit xml file.
6) tests_from_xctestrun: retrieves all of the tests from xctest bundles referenced by the xctestrun file
7) collate_junit_reports: collects and correctly organizes junit reports from multiple test passes.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 39 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dennis Granath

Plugin including actions for releasing the android SDK

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 51 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Hernan Zalazar

OSS libraries release process for Auth0

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **perform_release** | - | Performs the release for an Auth0 OSS library **publish_release** | - | Performs a pending release represented by the latest tag **prepare_release** | - | Prepares the release for an Auth0 OSS library
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 27 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Josh Holtz

Upload IPA to TestFairy

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **testfairy** | - | Upload an IPA to TestFairy
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via rb_de0

A simple twitter plugin

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **tweet** | - | Tweet a message specified in the parameter
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Helmut Januschka

Fire universal Analytics

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **google_analytics** | - | Fire universal Analytics
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Helder Pinhal

Exposes some Android configurations from the gradle file.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_version_name** | - | Get the parsed Gradle file of an Android project. **get_version_code** | - | Get the parsed Gradle file of an Android project. **get_gradle_data** | - | Get the parsed Gradle file of an Android project. **get_application_id** | - | Get the parsed Gradle file of an Android project.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via horimislime

A pantograph plugin that helps downloading .ipa from HockeyApp

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **download_hockey_ipa** | - | A pantograph plugin that helps downloading .ipa from HockeyApp
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Émile Bélair

IconBanner adds custom nice-looking banners over your mobile app icons

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **icon_banner_restore** | - | Restores the original app icons (can be used after build to clean up the repository) **icon_banner** | - | Adds custom nice-looking banners over your mobile app icons
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 15 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via %q{Alexey Martynov}

%q{Create JIRA issues and manage versions with this plugin}

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **release_jira_version** | - | Releases a version in your JIRA project **create_jira_issue** | - | Creates a new issue in your JIRA project **create_jira_version** | - | Creates a new version in your JIRA project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Felix Rudat

A pantograph component to make Xamarin builds a breeze

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **app_version** | - | Easily set or print app version with `app_version` **souyuz** | - | Easily build and sign your app using `souyuz`
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 30 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 21 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via wd

Yet another pantograph plugin

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **yafirim** | - | Yet another pantograph plugin
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via joshrlesch

Upload a strings file to OneSky

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_to_onesky** | - | Upload a strings file to OneSky
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 20 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 15 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mohamed Nassar

This action processes and uploads your symbol files to Dynatrace

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **dynatrace_process_symbols** | - | This action processes and uploads your symbol files to Dynatrace
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Artem Ivanov

release heper

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **release_helper** | - | release heper
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 34 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jan Meier

writes property files

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **property_file_write** | - | Writes value into properties file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dan Loewenherz

Submits an already processed build to Beta App Review.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **submit_to_beta_app_review** | - | Submits an already processed build to Beta App Review.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via whlsxl


Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 63 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jordan Bondo

Updates the Team Identifier for a given target

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_team_identifier** | - | Updates the Team Identifier for a given target
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Adam T Armstrong

Run Mocha Tests from within pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **mocha_run_tests** | - | Run Mocha Tests from within pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Felipe Plets

Enable your app to use Farol Platform services

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **farol_api** | - | Integrate your app with the Farol Platform using services like push notifications **farol_get_version** | - | Enable your app to use Farol Platform services **farol** | - | Enable your app to use Farol Platform services **farol_set_version** | - | Integrate your app with the Farol Platform using services like push notifications
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 12 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 18 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via InfiniteReverse

webhook for dingtalk robot

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **dingtalk_robot** | - | webhook for dingtalk robot
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via icyleaf

Upload a mobile app to qmobile

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_to_qmobile** | - | Upload mobile app to qmobile.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 13 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via tarappo

show build log info

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **build_log_info** | - | build log information
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 8 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 12 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Oscar De Moya

Pantograph plugin for moving a trello card to a given list

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **trello_comment** | - | Adds a comment to a given Trello card **trello_move_card** | - | Moves a Trello card to a given list
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 10 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jason Nam

Set version

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **set_version** | - | Set version
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Instabug

Plugin to upload DSYMs to Instabug Dashboard.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **instabug_official** | - | -
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 10 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 14 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Robin AUTHIAT

Pantograph plugin to trigger a bitrise build with some options

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **bitrise** | - | Trigger a bitrise build
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Tom Elrod

Insert build number into related jira issues

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **jira_build_number** | - | Adds build number from CI as comment to associated jira issue.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via zhangqi

switch to branch

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_switch_branch** | - | switch to branch
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 18 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via tarappo

show ipa info

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ipa_info** | - | Show information of an ipa file.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 8 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Ostap Taran

Runs transitions for specified JIRA tickets

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **jira_transitions** | - | Runs transitions for specified JIRA tickets
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via gaoxiang

Auto send the pgyer app qr code to the ding talk.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ding_talk** | - | Send the packaging information to the ding talk.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Cole Dunsby

Edit the versions of your podspec dependencies

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **change_podspec_dependency_version** | - | This action will modify the version of a dependency in your podspec.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 8 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Maxim Toyberman

Upload IPA and APK to your own server

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_to_server** | - | -
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 10 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via junjie

basic transifex wrapper

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **transifex** | - | basic transifex wrapper
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 13 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Cole Dunsby

Automates the steps to create a new release for a project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **make_release** | - | Automates the steps to create a new release for a framework.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 8 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Rishabh Tayal

Get build info from App Store Connect

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **app_store_build_info** | - | Get build info from App Store Connect
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 12 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 18 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jason Nam

Copy and remove files

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **remove_files** | - | Remove files **copy_files** | - | Copy files
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via atpking

upload ipa or apk to

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **fir_cli** | - | invoke fir-cli from pantograph plugin directly. \nfir-cli:
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 0 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via huangj

a tool to sendmail

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **send_e_mail** | - | a tool to sendmail
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Chris Ball

Simplify releases for React Native apps.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **react_native_release** | - | Simplify releases for React Native apps **read_pantograph_session** | - | Simplify 2FA authentication for App Store Connect **create_pantograph_session** | - | Simplify 2FA authentication for App Store Connect
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 15 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -5 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Justin Singer

Post the status of your test jobs to your pull requests

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 53 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Nick Griffith

Generates unique build numbers for iOS projects.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **buildnumber** | - | Generates unique build numbers for iOS projects
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 30 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Duy Nguyen

This action will update xcodeproj with values extracted from your provisioning profile.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_provisioning_profile** | - | This action will update xcodeproj with values extracted from your provisioning profile.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mattia Salvetti

A pantograph plugin to upload file contents to Redmine

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **redmine_file_post** | - | Uploads a file in a Redmine Files section of a given Redmine project **redmine_upload** | - | A pantograph plugin to upload file contents to Redmine
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Andrés Hernández

Get the last Fabric version code for your Android app

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **last_fabric_version_code** | - | Get the last Fabric version code for your Android app
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jonathan Ritchie

Run a specified pantograph lane in your project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **run_lane** | - | Run a specified pantograph lane in your project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 14 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Morten Bøgh

Simplified Code Coverage

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **kuhverij** | testing | Simplified Code Coverage
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -3 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 33 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via alexander sun

gen Localizable.strings file from xliff

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **export_xliff** | - | export xliff for an xcode project **xliff_en_gen** | - | Overwrite project Localizable.strings file from English version xliff
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 18 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via ungacy

Updated code signing settings from 'Automatic' to a specific profile

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **update_build_settings_key** | - | Updates build settings key to a new value
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 4 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 17 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jason Nam

Execute command with summonbin

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **summonbin** | - | Execute command with summonbin
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Josh Holtz

💣💥 No more emojis

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **bomb_emoji** | - | No more emojis
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via maydin

Transifex tool that pulls translations using transifex rest api

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **rest_pull** | - | Transifex plugin for pull and push translations **cli_pull** | - | Transifex tool that pulls translations using transifex cli client **cli_push** | - | Transifex tool that push translations using transifex cli client
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Lyndsey Ferguson

Checks the version of the installed Good framework

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 20 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Antoine Lamy

Easily sync your Apple ID credentials stored in LastPass with your keychain using CredentialManager

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **lastpass** | - | Easily sync your Apple ID credentials stored in LastPass with your keychain using CredentialManager
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 8 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Oliver Letterer

Deploy docker services to CoreOS hosts

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **coreos_deploy** | - | Deploy docker services to CoreOS hosts
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 12 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Emil

Upload artifacts to AppUnite's auto-close service

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **au_auto_close_upload** | - | Upload artifacts to AppUnite's auto-close service
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 13 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Slava Kornienko


Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **fabric_beta_unregistered_devices** | - | Get unregistered devices from Fabric Beta.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jason Nam

Copy file

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **copy** | - | Copy file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via @chrhsmt

Generate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **droidicon** | - | Generate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 19 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Marker Digital

This will remove a specific tag from your remote branch

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **remove_git_tag** | source_control | This will remove a tag from the remote repository
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 10 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Shane Birdsall

Produces junit xml files from Xcode 11+ xcresult files

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xcresult_to_junit** | - | Produces junit xml files from Xcode 11+ xcresult files
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jyrno Ader

Easily sync your keystores across your team using git

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **flint** | - | DESCRIPTION
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jonathan Ritchie

Replace any file in your mobile project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **replace_file** | - | Replace any file in your mobile project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Ryo Sakaguchi

Create GitHub issue

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **create_github_issue** | - | Create GitHub issue
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 25 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via UladzimirKisialiou

It is a pantograph plugin that allows to use bluepill (linkedin library) as a pantograph command

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **xbluepill** | - | Pantograph plugin that allows to use bluepill (linkedin library) as a pantograph command
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 5 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Tomi Blank

Allows to upload your IPA file to Apperian

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **apperian** | - | Allows to upload your app file to Apperian
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 18 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jimmy Dee

Community utilities for React Native projects

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **react_pod** | - | Community utilities for React Native projects
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Evgrafov Denis

Helps to upload sourcemaps to Bugsnag

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **bugsnag_sourcemaps_upload** | - | Helps to upload sourcemaps to Bugsnag
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

set ENV["key"]=value from file like key=value

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **source_env_from_file** | - | set ENV['key']=value from file like key=value
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Viktor Rutberg

List authors of a Git repository

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_authors** | - | List all authors of a Git repository
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

this is a wechat api wrapper

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **wechat** | - | this is a wechat api wrapper
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via SimoneCorsini

Increment the version code of your android project, supporting different product flavors.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **increment_version_code_android** | - | Increment the version code of your android project, supporting different flavors.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kim Huang

a pantograph plugin for dingtalk robot

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **dingtalk** | - | a pantograph plugin for dingtalk.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Takeshi Tsukamoto

Accessibility test with Firebase Test Lab for Android.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **accessibility_test** | - | Accessibility test with Firebase Test Lab for Android.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 18 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

analysis ios framework in buildout or pods dir

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **analyze_ios_framework** | - | analysis ios framework in buildout or pods dir
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 15 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

iOS parse linkmap.txt to ruby Hash

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **analyze_ios_linkmap** | - | iOS parse linkmap.txt to ruby Hash or JSON
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 18 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fernando Berrios

This plugin will take the output of the changelog_from_git_commits plugin and convert it into markdown

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_commit_changelog_to_markdown** | - | This plugin will take the output of the 'changelog_from_git_commits' plugin and convert it into markdown
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 10 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jorge Revuelta

This plugin allows the communication with the Buddybuild API.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **buddybuild_list_apps** | - | Retrieves all the applications for a given account in Buddybuild. **buddybuild_get_latest_build_number** | - | Retrieves the latest build number for a given Application Identifier. **buddybuild_show_latest_build** | - | Retrieves the latest build for a given Application Identifier.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via cleexiang

svn plugin with pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **svn_commit** | - | Commit to svn repos with pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Gianfranco Manganiello


Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **hello_test** | - | test
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via zhangqi

get value like ios userDefault

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **user_default_get** | - | get value like ios userDefault
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via zhangqi

pantograph save user default like ios userDefault

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **user_default_set** | - | pantograph save user default like ios userDefault
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jimmy Dee

Maintenance actions for plugin repos.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **rake** | - | General-purpose rake action to invoke tasks from a Rakefile or elsewhere. **update_rubocop** | - | Automatically updates RuboCop to the latest version.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mikko Välimäki

Store build numbers in git tags for distributed sequential builds

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **reserve_git_build_number** | - | Use git for tagging your builds for unique distributed sequential build numbers **get_git_build_number** | - | Use git for tagging your builds for unique distributed sequential build numbers
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 18 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kamil Krzyk, Przemysław Wośko

Prepares metadata files with structure ready for AppStore, PlayStore deploy

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 53 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Chris River

Common tools for CI

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_get_version** | - | Common tools for CI **ios_get_version** | - | Common tools for CI
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 0 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via zhangqi

clean git status

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_status_clean** | - | clean git status
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 14 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Evgeniy Kubyshin

ixguard plugin

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ixguard** | - | iXGuard build plugin
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kostia Myts

Upload strings to POEditor

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_strings_to_poeditor** | - | Upload strings to POEditor
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 10 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kostia Myts

Generates XLIFF file

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **generate_xliff** | - | Generates XLIFF file **remove_xliff_artifacts** | - | Generates XLIFF file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via marumemomo

Get danger data plugin.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **danger_result** | - | Get danger data plugin.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 14 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Mads Bøgeskov

Converts a strings file to an enum, to make it more safe to access translations.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **enumerated_translations** | - | Converts a strings file to an enum, to make it more safe to access translations.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Narlei Américo Moreira

Send messages to Google Chat

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **google_chat** | - | Send messages to Google Chat
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 7 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Helder Pinhal

Get the applicationId of an Android project.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_application_id_flavor** | - | Get the applicationId of an Android project.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 12 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 10 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Lyndsey Ferguson

This plugin will update the plist so that the built application can be deployed and managed within BlackBerry's Good Dynamics Control Center for Enterprise Mobility Management.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 38 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via marumemomo

Run lane from current time

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_lane** | - | Run lane from current time
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 12 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via zhuyunlong


Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **buggly** | - | Upload the dSYM file to Buggly crash analyze system.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 16 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Atsushi Nagase

Send coverage information to Coveralls

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 19 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via yeppao

Change the package name in the AndroidManifest.xml file

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_change_package_name** | - | Change the package identifier in the AndroidManifest.xml file
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Alex Antonyuk

Plugin for locking unlocked keychain

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **lock_keychain** | - | Plugin for locking unlocked keychain
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 13 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Anton Morozov

Download newest build from HockeyApp (iOS & Android)

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **download_hocky_build** | - | Download newest build from HockeyApp (iOS & Android)
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub




To be able to send message to Line Notify

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **line_notify** | - | You can use this action to send message via Line Notify
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 8 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via liubo


Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Thomas Charriere

Build Xamarin Android + iOS projects

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **msbuild** | - | Build Solutions with msbuild **nuget_restore** | - | Nuget **xamarin_android** | - | Build Xamarin Android + iOS projects **xamarin_ios** | - | Build Xamarin Android + iOS projects **nuget_install** | - | Nuget **clean** | - | Clean artifacts
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via zmunm

android versioning for gradle kotlin DSL

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_value_from_build** | - | - **get_version_name** | - | Get the version name of your project **get_version_code** | - | Get the version code of your project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 9 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Wasith Theerapattrathamrong

Use to send message to Line chat

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **line_message** | notifications | Use to send message to Line chat
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via viniciusmo

Build your flutter project directly from your lane.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **flutter_build** | - | Build our project directly from your lane.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Matheus Gambati

Discord integration with Pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **discord** | - | Discord integration with Pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jan Piotrowski

Create Managed Google Play Apps

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_managed_play_store_publishing_rights** | - | Obtain publishing rights for custom apps on Managed Google Play Store **managed_google_play** | - | Create Managed Google Play Apps **create_app_on_managed_play_store** | - | Create Managed Google Play Apps
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -5 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Tommyvanvliet

This plugin publishes artifacts over to Dropbox via a generated api token from Dropbox Developer API.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **publish_dropbox** | - | This plugin publishes artifacts over to Dropbox via a generated api token from Dropbox Developer API.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Bhuvanesh BS

pull code from different branch

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_pull_branch** | - | pull code from different branch
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via asynclog

dingTalk robot msg push tool

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ding_talk_msg_push** | - | dingTalk robot msg push tool
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via 任福新

edit meta-data in AndroidManifest.xml

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **modify_meta_data** | - | edit meta-data in AndroidManifest.xml **modify_intent_scheme** | - | edit scheme data of intent-filter in AndroidManifest.xml **androidmanifest_editor** | - | edit meta-data in AndroidManifest.xml
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Levi Bostian

Resize screenshots taken from your simulator to use for Frameit.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **resize_screenshots** | - | Resize screenshots taken from your simulator to use for Frameit.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 10 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -2 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via matsuda

Pantograph plugin to check project's outdated dependencies

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **cocoapods_outdated** | - | Check outdated CocoaPods dependencies **dependency_manager_outdated** | - | Pantograph plugin to check project's outdated dependencies **carthage_outdated** | - | Check outdated Carthage dependencies
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

upload dsym to your specify server

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_dsym** | - | upload dsym to your specify server
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via marumemomo


Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **promo_code** | - | promo_code
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Leon Keijzer

This plugin makes it possible to release an already approved version in AppStore Connect

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **reject_version** | - | This action makes it possible to reject a binary in AppStore Connect **release_version** | - | This plugin makes it possible to release an already approved version in AppStore Connect
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kevin Morais

Generate metadata from Google Spreadsheet

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gsheet_metadata** | - | Generate metadata from Google Spreadsheet
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

gitlab compare two branch to get diffs

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gitlab_branch_diff** | - | gitlab compare two branch to get diffs
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via icyleaf

Package unsign apk with channels

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **android_channels** | building | Package apk file with channels
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via wliu6

Upload symbols to Bugtags

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **bugtags** | - | Upload symbols to Bugtags
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 6 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Simon Rice, Christophe Knage

Use Pantograph to give credit where it's rightfully due

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **acknowledgements** | - | Use Pantograph to give credit where it's rightfully due.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | -50 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 15 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

get a max version branch from a gitlab project, like: master_5.11.9

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gitlab_get_max_version_branch** | - | get a max version branch from a gitlab project, like: master_5.11.9
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 6 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Leo Dion

Use speculid to easily manage graphics in Xcode projects

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **speculid** | - | Use speculid to Easily Manage Graphics in Xcode Projects
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Bruno Miguêns

After an action, like scan for instance, you're able to generate a report file. This pantograph plugin gives you a way to upload and share your report using Slack.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 24 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Rajiv Shah

Retrieves the path of a workspace in DerivedData

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_derived_data_path** | - | Retrieves the path of a workspace in DerivedData
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Luís Esteves

Provides a simple way to get logs from two delta commits

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 36 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Johannes Steudle

This plugin will check any binary library for unwanted symbols and architectures

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **checkbuild** | - | This plugin will check any binary library for unwanted symbols and architectures.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via JiaqiangSong

Config multiple apps of CI

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **get_extensions** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **ci_apps** | - | Config multiple apps of CI **get_ci_apps** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **get_ci_app_value** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **get_ci_app** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **get_emtitlements_plist_file_path** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **get_target_type** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **get_info_plist_file_path** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Benjamin Wulff

Handles uploads to BOWL backend

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **bowl** | - | Handles uploads to BOWL backend **get_gradle_property** | - | - **set_gradle_property** | - | Set the value of your project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 3 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via thibaut noah

plugin to send mail notifications for build release

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **mailjet** | - | Send a custom message to an email group with mailjet
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 1 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Josh Lesch

Store and install encrypted Certs from s3

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **s3_upload_certs** | - | Upload encrypted certs to s3 **s3_cert** | - | Pull Certs from s3 and install them into keychain.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 5 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui


Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **rm_derived_data** | building | after build finish remove xx.xcworkspace/xx.xcodeproj specify DerivedDatagst/*
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

git add tag wrapper

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_add_tag** | source_control | git add tag wrapper
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Cyril Cermak, Jörg Nestele

Securely store secrets in source code.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **decrypt_secrets** | - | Securely store secrets in source code **encrypt_secrets** | - | Securely store secrets in source code
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

Get a list of merge request participants

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gitlab_merge_request_participants** | - | Get a list of merge request participants
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

remove git origin and remote repo tag

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_remove_tag** | source_control | remove git origin and remote repo tag
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

iOS ipa enterprise install plist generate plugn

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **ipa_install_plist_generate** | - | iOS ipa enterprise install plist generate plugn
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kitti Pariyaakkarakul

Get recent release version from appcenter

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **appcenter_get_recent_release_version** | - | Get recent release version from appcenter
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

Linux GNU Makefile make wrapper

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **make** | building | Linux GNU Makefile make wrapper
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Shaggon du

Moss is a tool that allows developers on Apple platforms to use any frameworks as a shared cache for frameworks built with Carthage.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **moss** | - | moss is a tool that allows developers on Apple platforms to use any frameworks as a shared cache for frameworks built with Carthage.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 4 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Yalan

pantograph plugin for cuttly.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **cuttly_api** | - | pantograph plugin for cuttly.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via vincentwu08


Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **goyuyun** | - | 一键发布至买好云
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

add merge request note for gitlab server api

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gitlab_merge_request_add_note** | - | add merge request note for gitlab server api
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 1 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

a wrapper for git clone command

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **git_clone** | source_control | this is a wrapper for git clone command
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Guillaume Elloy

This plugin is listing available android avd emulators, allowing you to start the selected one.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **start_avd_emulator** | - | This plugin is listing available android avd emulators, allowing you to start the selected one.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via chaosky

Upload dSYM to bugly.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **bugly** | - | Upload dSYM to bugly.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via xiongzenghui

filter gitlab merge request changes files & swiftlint json, last add line code with gitlab discussion

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **gitlab_increate_line_notes** | - | filter gitlab merge request changes files & swiftlint json, last add line code with gitlab discussion
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 25 | How well is the README of the document written age | 2 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Helder Pinhal

Get the applicationId of an Android project.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 18 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Bruno Oliveira

Gradle action to deploy a Module from an Android project

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **deploy_module_bintray** | - | Gradle actions to deploy a module from an Android project
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via omniprojects

Pantograph plugin to use bluepill in pantograph

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **redpill** | - | Plugin to use bluepill in pantograph
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 6 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 3 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 10 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | -50 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 11 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | -1 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 13 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jerome Lacoste

Fastgame's u3d (a Unity3d CLI) integration

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 12 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via MaximusMcCann

Changes the manifest's label attribute (appName). Stores the original name for revertinng.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 24 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Felix Krause

Fetch the emoji font file and copy it to a local directory

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Luís Esteves

Makes an reset on xcode simulators

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 22 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Emil

Allows to use Danger on GitLab

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 18 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Bennett Rogers

Returns a listing of all app versions and their latest builds from iTunes Connect.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via huyanping

update device name

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Fivethree

pantograph plugin for ionic 4

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **fivethree_ionic** | - | Pantograph plugin for Ionic v4 Projects **fiv_update_version_and_build_no** | - | Pantograph plugin for Ionic v4 Projects **fiv_update_version** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **fiv_increment_build_no** | - | pantograph plugin for ionic 4 **fiv_build_ionic_android** | - | A short description with <= 80 characters of what this action does **fiv_add_transparent_statusbar** | - | You can use this action to do cool things...
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 6 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 7 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Kila2

distribute app to pgyer beta testing service

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via alexander sun

basic transifex api wrapper

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Steven Chung

Returns if the provisioning profile has expired and the DateTime it expires

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Nicolas TRUTET

[iOS] Replace associated domains array for the key in the entitlement file.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Andrew Breckenridge

Configures an xcworkspace with specified xcodeprojs

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Jeff Stein

Perform a regex on last (latest) git tag and perform a regex to extract a version number such as Release 1.2.3

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 15 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Yandex, LLC

Upload dSYM symbolication files to AppMetrica

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **upload_symbols_to_appmetrica** | - | Upload dSYM symbolication files to AppMetrica
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 27 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 3 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | -50 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Ichiko Moro

Re-run scan action for each failed test cases.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Siarhei Fiedartsou

Converts PNGs and JPEGs in your project to sRGB format to avoid crashes when building with Xcode 8 for iOS 8 and earlier deployment target

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Marc Stammerjohann

Pantograph plugin for Ionic v4 Projects

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 14 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Felix Krause

Parse a JSON file

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub





Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Danilo Caetano

"Checks the size of your built .ipa and warns you if you you are near the given threshold."

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via StephenCurry30

A test demo of pantograph plugin

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via jterhorst

Pantograph Plugin to Run XCUITests in Parallel using Bluepill.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Melki

It is used to parse json configration

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Catalin Prata

Checks the xcode proj file for targets and points out which files from the project are not present in a certain target.

Provided actions Name | Category | Description ------|----------|------------ **itargetchecker** | - | Checks the xcodeproj file for targets and points out which files from the project are not present in a certain target.
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 9 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 2 | More stars = more popular project forks | 5 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | -50 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 50 | How well is the README of the document written age | 9 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 3 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Dylan Gyesbreghs

Install all the certificates located in you're project.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 12 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 0 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open on GitHub



via Piotrek Dubiel

Show your build status on PIXIE!

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Josh Holtz

Renames Android package

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Luís Esteves

this allows comparing images from a golden run with the actual results

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 11 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Wolfgang Lutz

Allows to publish or install the carthage builds via ftps to avoid recompilation

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 10 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Markus Kramm

get the latest build version from the app center

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Shashikant86

Pantograph Plugin to Run XCUITests in Parallel using Bluepill.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 9 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Kamil Krzyk

Halts the lane invocation, asks user to confirm if he wants to continue, may require password or key.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 8 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Helmut Januschka

Interact with Google Play Api

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Wesley Sui

library for the Box Content API

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 7 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Jeff Stein

Wrapper around figlet which makes large ascii text words

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 6 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Shashikant86

This plugin ensure version of Swift language used for project

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via zhenxingliu

git commit all add change to git

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 5 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Moyuru Aizawa

Post screenshots to a pull request

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Jakob Jensen

A templating engine for generating common file structures.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Almouro

Automatically install your app on your devicelab with the devicelab bot

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 4 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Helmut Januschka

Enables Spaceship to deal with developer response

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Jerome Lacoste

Generate the config for a Jenkins job

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Seán Labastille

Bump Android Manifest Version

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Alexey Martynov

This plugin installs provisioning profile to Xcode Provisioning Profiles directory

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Alexander Semenov

Collection of common CI actions for Android, iOS and MacOSX projects - like unit tests, app publishing, version increment, screenshots, etc.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Danielle Tomlinson

Add ascii text to your pantograph output

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Dmitry Krasulia

Create and makr tickets with fix version

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Luís Esteves

Kill all the open simulatores

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 2 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Bruno Correia

An easy way to manage your Android App versions.

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via xiongzenghui

Incremental Code Check using swiftlint for swift language files on gitlab platform !

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Melki

To get current date and time as string

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via punksta,

Build xamarin android\ios projects

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via punksta

Build xamarin android\ios projects

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via huyanping

update app name

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via punksta

Build xamarin android\ios projects

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 1 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via lingshijun

new plugin

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 0 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via icyleaf

Use a temporary ram disk to do anything else

Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | 20 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 0 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 0 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)



via Gloria Chow

Retries failed iOS tests
Score details Metric | Points | Description --------|--------|------------- contributors | 0 | The more contributors a project has, the more likely it is it stays alive subscribers | 0 | More subscribers = more popular project stars | 0 | More stars = more popular project forks | 0 | More forks = more people seem to use/modify this project has_mit_license | -50 | pantograph is MIT licensed, it's good to have plugins use MIT too readme_score | 0 | How well is the README of the document written age | 0 | Project that have been around for longer tend to be more stable major_release | 30 | Post 1.0 releases are great github_issues | 0 | Lots of open issues are not a good sign usually, unless the project is really popular downloads | 3 | More downloads = more users have been using the plugin for a while tests | 0 | The more tests a plugin has, the better

Open website (no GitHub link provided in gemspec)