
All gradle related actions, including building and testing your application

Run ./gradlew tasks to get a list of all available gradle tasks for your project

Supported platforms mac, linux, windows
Author @KrauseFx, @lmirosevic, @johnknapprs
Returns The output of running the gradle task

1 Example

  task: "assemble",
  flavor: "WorldDomination",
  build_type: "Release"

To build an AAB use:

  task: "bundle",
  flavor: "WorldDomination",
  build_type: "Release"

You can pass properties to gradle:

  # ...

  properties: {
    "versionCode" => 100,
    "versionName" => "1.0.0",
    # ...

You can use this to automatically [sign and zipalign] your app:

  task: "assemble",
  build_type: "Release",
  print_command: false,
  properties: {
    "" => "keystore.jks",
    "" => "store_password",
    "app.injected.signing.key.alias" => "key_alias",
    "app.injected.signing.key.password" => "key_password",

If you need to pass sensitive information through the gradle action, and don't want the generated command to be printed before it is run, you can suppress that:

  # ...
  print_command: false

You can also suppress printing the output generated by running the generated Gradle command:

  # ...
  print_command_output: false

To pass any other CLI flags to gradle use:

  # ...

  flags: "--exitcode --xml file.xml"

Delete the build directory, generated artifacts

  task: "clean"


Key Description Default
task The gradle task you want to execute, e.g. assemble, bundle or test. For tasks such as assembleMyFlavorRelease you should use gradle(task: 'assemble', flavor: 'Myflavor', build_type: 'Release')
flavor The flavor that you want the task for, e.g. MyFlavor. If you are running the assemble task in a multi-flavor project, and you rely on Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_ARTIFACT _OUTPUT_PATH] then you must specify a flavor here or else this value will be undefined
build_type The build type that you want the task for, e.g. Release. Useful for some tasks such as assemble
flags All parameter flags you want to pass to the gradle command, e.g. --exitcode --xml file.xml
project_dir The root directory of the gradle project .
gradle_path The path to your gradlew. If you specify a relative path, it is assumed to be relative to the project_dir ./gradlew
properties Gradle properties to be exposed to the gradle script
artifact_extension Gradle build output filetype extension jar
system_properties Gradle system properties to be exposed to the gradle script
print_command Control whether the generated Gradle command is printed as output before running it (true/false) true
print_command_output Control whether the output produced by given Gradle command is printed while running (true/false) true

* = default value is dependent on the user's system

Lane Variables

Actions can communicate with each other using a shared hash lane_context, that can be accessed in other actions, plugins or your lanes: lane_context[SharedValues:XYZ]. The gradle action generates the following Lane Variables:

SharedValue Description
SharedValues::GRADLE_ARTIFACT_OUTPUT_PATH The path to the newly generated artifact file. Undefined in a multi-variant assemble scenario
SharedValues::GRADLE_FLAVOR The flavor, e.g. MyFlavor
SharedValues::GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE The build type, e.g. Release

To get more information check the Lanes documentation.


To show the documentation in your terminal, run

pantograph action gradle


It is recommended to add the above action into your Pantfile, however sometimes you might want to run one-offs. To do so, you can run the following command from your terminal

pantograph run gradle

To pass parameters, make use of the : symbol, for example

pantograph run gradle parameter1:"value1" parameter2:"value2"

It's important to note that the CLI supports primitive types like integers, floats, booleans, and strings. Arrays can be passed as a comma delimited string (e.g. param:"1,2,3"). Hashes are not currently supported.

It is recommended to add all pantograph actions you use to your Pantfile.

Source code

This action, just like the rest of pantograph, is fully open source, view the source code on GitHub

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