New to pantograph? Click here to open the installation & setup instructions first

1) Install the latest Xcode command line tools

xcode-select --install
Install _pantograph_ using Homebrew & Rubygems
# Install ruby via homebrew (macOS & linux only)
brew install ruby

# Set ruby in your shell path (example uses Zsh)
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

# Using RubyGems
gem install pantograph

3) Navigate to your project and run

pantograph init

More Details

pantograph actions

This page contains a list of all built-in pantograph actions and their available options.

To get the most up-to-date information from the command line on your current version you can also run

pantograph actions # list all available pantograph actions
pantograph action [action_name] # more information for a specific action

You can import another Pantfile by using the import action. This is useful if you have shared lanes across multiple apps and you want to store a Pantfile in a separate folder. The path must be relative to the Pantfile this is called from.

import './path/to/other/Pantfile'

For pantograph plugins, check out the available plugins page. If you want to create your own action, check out the local actions page.


Action Description Supported Platforms
sonar Invokes sonar-scanner to programmatically run SonarQube analysis mac, linux, windows


Action Description Supported Platforms
gradle All gradle related actions, including building and testing your application mac, linux, windows


Action Description Supported Platforms


Action Description Supported Platforms


Action Description Supported Platforms

Releasing your app

Action Description Supported Platforms

Source Control

Action Description Supported Platforms
ensure_git_status_clean Raises error if there are uncommitted git changes mac, linux, windows
git_branch Returns the name of the current git branch mac, linux, windows
last_git_commit Return last git commit hash, abbreviated commit hash, commit message and author mac, linux, windows
reset_git_repo Resets git repo to a clean state by discarding uncommitted changes mac, linux, windows
changelog_from_git_commits Collect git commit messages into a changelog mac, linux, windows
number_of_commits Return the number of commits in current git branch mac, linux, windows
git_pull Executes a simple git pull command mac, linux, windows
push_to_git_remote Push local changes to the remote branch mac, linux, windows
git_tag_exists Checks if the git tag with the given name exists mac, linux, windows
ensure_git_branch Raises an exception if not on a specific git branch mac, linux, windows
git_commit Directly commit the given file with the given message mac, linux, windows
push_git_tags Push local tags to the remote - this will only push tags mac, linux, windows
danger Runs danger for the project mac, linux, windows
set_github_release This will create a new release on GitHub and upload assets for it mac, linux, windows
create_pull_request This will create a new pull request on GitHub mac, linux, windows
get_github_release This will verify if a given release version is available on GitHub mac, linux, windows
github_api Call a GitHub API endpoint and get the resulting JSON response mac, linux, windows
git_pull_tags Executes a simple git fetch --tags command mac, linux, windows
git_submodule_update Execute git submodule command mac, linux, windows


Action Description Supported Platforms
slack Send a success/error message to your Slack group mac, linux, windows
twitter Post a tweet on mac, linux, windows


Action Description Supported Platforms
puts Prints out the given text mac, linux, windows
default_platform Defines a default platform to not have to specify the platform mac, linux, windows
pantograph_version Alias for the min_pantograph_version action mac, linux, windows
lane_context Access lane context values mac, linux, windows
import Import another Pantfile to use its lanes mac, linux, windows
import_from_git Import another Pantfile from a remote git repository to use its lanes mac, linux, windows
skip_docs Skip the creation of the pantograph/ file when running pantograph mac, linux, windows
is_ci Is the current run being executed on a CI system, like Jenkins or Travis mac, linux, windows
update_pantograph Makes sure pantograph-tools are up-to-date when running pantograph mac, linux, windows
bundle_install This action runs bundle install (if available) mac, linux, windows
prompt Ask the user for a value or for confirmation mac, linux, windows
say This action speaks the given text out loud mac, linux, windows
zip Compress a file or folder to a zip mac, linux, windows
artifactory This action uploads an artifact to artifactory mac, linux, windows
erb Allows to Generate output files based on ERB templates mac, linux, windows
download Download a file from a remote server (e.g. JSON file) mac, linux, windows
rocket Outputs ascii-art for a rocket 🚀 mac, linux, windows
debug Print out an overview of the lane context values mac, linux, windows
ensure_no_debug_code Ensures the given text is nowhere in the code base mac, linux, windows
cloc Generates a Code Count that can be read by Jenkins (xml format) mac
rsync Rsync files from :source to :destination mac, linux, windows
jira Leave a comment on JIRA tickets mac, linux, windows
ssh Allows remote command execution using ssh mac, linux, windows
ensure_env_vars Raises an exception if the specified env vars are not set mac, linux, windows
ruby_version Verifies the minimum ruby version required mac, linux, windows
opt_out_usage This will stop uploading the information which actions were run mac, linux, windows
sh Runs a shell command mac, linux, windows
ensure_bundle_exec Raises an exception if not using bundle exec to run pantograph mac, linux, windows
prompt_secure Ask the user for a value or for confirmation mac, linux, windows
println Alias for the puts action mac, linux, windows
is_verbose Returns Boolean whether --verbose flag was set mac, linux, windows
min_pantograph_version Verifies the minimum pantograph version required mac, linux, windows
echo Alias for the puts action mac, linux, windows
plugin_scores No description provided mac, linux, windows


Action Description Supported Platforms