New to pantograph? Click here to open the installation & setup instructions first

1) Install the latest Xcode command line tools

xcode-select --install
Install _pantograph_ using Homebrew & Rubygems
# Install ruby via homebrew (macOS & linux only)
brew install ruby

# Set ruby in your shell path (example uses Zsh)
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

# Using RubyGems
gem install pantograph

3) Navigate to your project and run

pantograph init

More Details


Configuring pantograph

Skip update check when launching pantograph

You can set the environment variable PANTOGRAPH_SKIP_UPDATE_CHECK to skip the update check.

Hide changelog information at the end of running pantograph

You can set the environment variable PANTOGRAPH_HIDE_CHANGELOG to hide the detailed changelog information when new pantograph versions are available.

Output environment variables

  • To hide timestamps in each row, set the PANTOGRAPH_HIDE_TIMESTAMP environment variable to true (overruled by --verbose).
  • To disable output formatting, set the PANTOGRAPH_DISABLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT environment variable to true.

How pantograph works

Priorities of parameters and options

The order in which pantograph tools take their values from

  1. CLI parameter (e.g. gym --scheme Example) or Pantfile (e.g. gym(scheme: 'Example'))
  2. Environment variable (e.g. GYM_SCHEME)
  3. Tool specific config file (e.g. Gymfile containing scheme 'Example')
  4. Default value (which might be taken from the Appfile, e.g. app_identifier from the Appfile)
  5. If this value is required, you'll be asked for it (e.g. you have multiple schemes, you'll be asked for it)

Directory behavior

pantograph was designed in a way that you can run pantograph from both the root directory of the project, and from the ./pantograph sub-folder.

Take this example Pantfile on the path pantograph/Pantfile

sh "pwd" # => "[root]/pantograph"
puts Dir.pwd # => "[root]/pantograph"

lane :something do
  sh "pwd" # => "[root]/pantograph"
  puts Dir.pwd # => "[root]/pantograph"


The implementation of my_action looks like this:

def run(params)
  puts Dir.pwd # => "[root]"

Notice how every action and every plugin's code runs in the root of the project, while all user code from the Pantfile runs inside the ./pantograph directory. This is important to consider when migrating existing code from your Pantfile into your own action or plugin. To change the directory manually you can use standard Ruby blocks:

Dir.chdir("..") do
  # code here runs in the parent directory

This behavior isn't great, and has been like this since the very early days of pantograph. As much as we'd like to change it, there is no good way to do so, without breaking thousands of production setups, so we decided to keep it as is for now.

Passing parameters to pantograph command line tools

pantograph contains several command line tools, e.g. pantograph deliver or pantograph snapshot. To pass parameters to these tools, append the option names and values as you would for a normal shell command:

pantograph [tool] --[option]=[value]

pantograph deliver --skip_screenshots=true
pantograph snapshot --screenshots_path=xxxxx --schema=xxxx